Request for proposal (RFP) is a tool to formalize the process of documenting, justifying, and authorizing procurement in an organization (Cooper & Schindler, 1998). To evaluate different alternative offer by various supplier, client could use RFP as a tool to provide mechanism to establish, monitor, and control performance of supplier (Cooper & Schindler, 1998). De Loof (1997, p.223) believes that call for tender is essentials for the supplier to write a realistic Continue reading Request for Proposals
Month: January 2010
Call for papers The 18th International RE Conference, Sydney
18th IEEE International
Requirements Engineering Conference
REQUIREMENTS ENGINEERING IN A MULTI- FACETED WORLD Continue reading Call for papers The 18th International RE Conference, Sydney
Proxy Server
Internet becomes more and more crowded. Every day new websites emerge, new computers and/or new computer networks join the Internet, and more information resources become available on it (Raunak, 2000). More people find the need to have access to the Internet and even more feel it become the essentials part of their work and life Continue reading Proxy Server
Managing Software Development Project
Software development is a large and complex work. With the increasing of computer systems complexity and increasing of user demand for more powerful software, software engineering project becomes more and more challenging to manage. Good quality software will give benefits to the user’s organization. The result of good quality Continue reading Managing Software Development Project
Kualitatif vs Kuantitatif
Penelitian kualitatif dan kuantitatif sering diartikan secara salah sebagai masalah ada atau tidaknya statistik, ekonometrika, atau matematika sebagai alat. Penggunaan kata kualitatif dan kuantitatif mungkin turut berperan dalam kesalahkaprahan tersebut. Kenyataannya tidak sesederhana itu. Perbedaan penelitian kualitatif dan kuantitatif berawal Continue reading Kualitatif vs Kuantitatif
Upgrading Javelin
The Javelin I am using have been running the original OS ( for quite sometimes. Although I was quite satisfied, it has some problems. Memory leaks and battery life were the top two. Free memory after reboot usually around 116-120 megs and rapidly decreasing. I have had to reboot every three days or so. Battery was even worse, it would only last Continue reading Upgrading Javelin
Structuralist Perspectives on Innovation
Unlike individualist perspectives (DOI, TRA, TPB, TAM, etc), a structuralist perspective argues that diffusion of innovation is determined by organisational characteristics (such as technology, strategy, differentiation, etc) and organisational variables (such as size, complexity, professionalism, formalisation, and governance) (Slappendel 1996). Structuralist perspectives are not only concerned with the organisation itself but also its environment. Within Continue reading Structuralist Perspectives on Innovation
SMEs and IT in Indonesia
SMEs contribute to the national economy by providing work and contributing significantly to Gross Domestic Products (GDP) and Gross National Product (GNP) (DeLone 1988; Diermen 1997; Foong 1999; Guinea, Kelley & Hunter 2005; Gutter & Saleem 2005; Hill 1995; Kuan & Chau 2001; SMIDEC 1998a; Tambunan 2005; Utomo & Dodgson 2001; Continue reading SMEs and IT in Indonesia