Upgrading My Javelin Again

After a success story with upgrading my Javelin at here, RIM has released another version of OS 5 for 8900. The latest version is You can find it here. All are released for operator in Europe. I upgraded the Javelin to with OS from Optus Mobile (Asia). Nevertheless I did the upgrade anyway. Afterward, I do not notice any differences in term of performance, memory, and stability. All software that I use on regular basis work just fine. I am still observing the battery, similar to 411 would be good enough for me. However, I notice that the keyboard/keypad lock icon is missing. The keyboard/keypad lock on top of the device also does not work.

Karmic Koala

It has been a while since I received Ubuntu 9.10 CD (a.k.a KARMIC KOALA). Today I try to install it to my laptop (Compaq Presario V3837TU). I have the old hard disk drive (I put a 250GB hdd for Windows 7 and keep the original 120GB hdd for this occasion) . I popped the old 120Gb hdd back to its place, load the Koala CD, and start up the laptop. The installation Continue reading Karmic Koala