A Milestone

Boxing Day 2005. Five years ago, I brought my family return to Indonesia after spending 3,5 years in Sydney. When we departed  10th June 2002, there were only me and my lovely wife, Retno. We were young couple (we were married less than 9 months). We brought three luggage, about A$300, a credit card, uncertain future due to problems at my work, and tons of dream. I lost my father who passed away on 17th August 2003 but witnessed the birth of lovely Sati, our daughter on 17th July 2004.

We returned with some savings, the same three luggage, a beautiful baby girl, master degree for Retno, a PhD in waiting for me (I was graduated in-absentia in September 2007), works awaiting in Indonesia for us, and few stuff we brought home (mostly my books).

Now we are definitely better off than 5 years ago. We are eagerly awaiting the next years to come. Happy New, better Year 2011.

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