In recent years the debate on qualitative versus quantitative research has been well documented (e.g. Crotty 1998; Leedy & Ormrod 2005; Miles & Huberman 1994). Much of this debate does not take into account the underlying epistemology, ontology, and theoretical perspectives from each side (Crotty 1998; Miles & Huberman 1994). As a Continue reading Qualitative and Quantitative Research
Information Systems Failure in SMEs
While most studies in IS success are interested in defining or measuring the success itself, there are also studies in IS failure that usually looked for factors or causes of the failure. This posting will discuss concepts of IS failure and the two main approaches used to define IS failure. Continue reading Information Systems Failure in SMEs
Information Systems Success
The concept of IS success is problematic and can be interpreted in different ways (Caldeira & Ward 2002). For example, Brabander and Thiers (1984) defined IS success as related to the efficiency of the IS itself in meeting the requirements. IS success is also often associated with the benefits gained from the IS compared to the cost to acquire the IS (Ives, Olson & Baroudi 1983). However, cost–benefit analysis to measure IS success is difficult and previous Continue reading Information Systems Success
Actor Network Theory (ANT)
ANT is often accredited as the work of Michel Callon, Bruno Latour, and John Law (Callon 1986, 1999; Latour 1987, 1988, 1999; Law 1999; Sidle & Warzynski 2003; Sismondo 2004; Tatnall & Burgess 2004; Tatnall & Lepa 2003). ANT deals with (Bardini 1997): Continue reading Actor Network Theory (ANT)
Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)
TAM was formulated by Fred D. Davis to provide a valid measurement scale for assessing user acceptance of computers (Davis 1989, 1993). TAM is focused more on technology, and is claimed to be different from previous measurements as it provides a valid measurement scale to predict user acceptance of IT. These measurements were Continue reading Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)
Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) and Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB)
TRA was formulated in 1967 in an attempt to provide consistency in studies of the relationship between behaviour and attitudes (Fishbein & Ajzen 1975; Werner 2004). TPB (Ajzen 1991) is considered as an extension of TRA (Werner 2004). The main assumption of TRA and TPB is that individuals are rational in considering their actions and the Continue reading Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) and Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB)
Innovation Diffusion and Innovation Decision Process Model
Innovation diffusion uses an approach in which the decision to adopt new technology is mainly based on perceptions of the technology within the decision-making unit (Rogers 1995; Tatnall & Burgess 2004). IDPM was based on communication theory, where the innovation was communicated to the audience (potential adopters). IDPM could be Continue reading Innovation Diffusion and Innovation Decision Process Model
Perspectives on innovation in organisation theory
Adoption of innovation has long been studied and covered extensively in the literature. Although these studies are strong in identifying theoretical foundations, factors, players, organisational structure, and how these factors influence adoption of innovation in an organisation, and provide a comprehensive coverage of the topic, there is still a Continue reading Perspectives on innovation in organisation theory
My Gadgets
These are gadgets that enabling me to work on the road. I have been using many gadgets over the years.I have been using Toshiba laptop, Asus Eee PC Netbook, Dell Inspiron laptop (rather disappointing I say), HP Ipaq HW6515, Siemens ME45, etc. Continue reading My Gadgets
This is my new BLOG after the old one ceased to exist. Unfortunately I could not save the contents from my old blog. Most of the new posting will be new. I will try to rewrite some of the old blog’s content. Enjoy and drop comments if you like.